Spokane Ford Repair and Service
At Bob's Service Center, our Spokane Ford repair and service technicians are used to the problems common to these vehicles in the Spokane area. You may be surprised to find out that some of the daily driving experiences you have are considered to be extreme driving conditions by the manufacturer. It doesn’t matter if you are driving the F-series, a performance car like the Mustang or an economy sedan like the Fiesta or Focus – to take care of your Ford vehicle you need to make sure that all its service and repair work is done by someone who knows what to expect.
Taking care of your Ford means more than just getting repairs done when needed. You need to keep up with the Ford recommended schedule of service. These are usually tied to the milestones of 30, 60 and 90k miles. Bob's Service Center ASE Certified Technicians can provide these service changes and it allows them to keep up with the condition of your car to help prevent costly repairs later. Each service check includes a visual inspection. If the Ford repair tech already knows the history of your vehicle, they will attach a different importance to a minor leak than someone at an oil change shop. It may be related to stress that caused the need for an earlier Ford repair and indicate new damage in a related area. It is this knowledge that makes staying with Bob's Service Center the most affordable way to take care of your car. Money saved in the moment may wind up costing you in the long run.
Call and make an appointment today at Bob's Service Center. We are conveniently located in Spokane and have a wide range of appointment times available.